How To Post A Picture in Reddit Comments (2024)

The saying that an image is worth a thousand words holds quite true for the comment sections of social media platforms.

It is now possible for users to post a picture in Reddit comments as well.

Using an image instead of typing out long text replies not only saves time but is also a creative and fun way to interact with other Reddit users. 

It is an effective way to get your point across without writing out the text. In addition, this method is also more likely to catch the interest of other users as compared to a text reply. 

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While platforms like Facebook and Instagram have long had the option to use GIFs or images in the comments, the option was only recently introduced to Reddit. 

However, it is quite simple to understand and you will be able to start posting pictures in Reddit comments immediately with the help of our guide. 

Let us check the method to do so below.

How to Post A Picture in Reddit Comments?

It is easy to post a picture in Reddit comments once you know how. However, the option is not available across the board.

You can only post picture comments in subreddits that are deemed “safe for work”. If you try posting picture comments in NSFW subreddits, the option will not be available. 

The subreddits that fulfill this requirement will have an image icon in the bottom panel of the comment section. This means that you can post images on this subreddit.

However, there are some restrictions here as well. You can only post one picture per comment. If you try to post more, you will be denied. It is possible to leave multiple comments on a post though. 

Apart from this, NSFW images will also be automatically removed from the comments section. This includes any images containing explicit, violent, or discriminatory content. 

The procedure to post a picture in Reddit comments differs slightly for the site and the mobile app. We have explained both methods below.

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Posting Pictures In Comments Through

If you want to reply to comments with a picture on the Reddit website, you can follow the steps given below.

  • Go to the comments section of your chosen subreddit.
  • Select the image icon located at the bottom panel of the comment section.
  • This will take you to your camera roll. You can choose any image you want to upload from here. However, the image should be 240px in height and width to be displayed properly.
  • You can now choose to enter some text with the image or simply click on Comment to post the picture. 
  • If you do not like an image you have selected, you can also choose to replace it. To do this, you can click on the trash icon in the top left corner of the image. 

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Posting Pictures In Comments Through The iOS Or Android App

The process to post a picture through the mobile app is similar for both iOS and Android users. Follow the steps given below to post a picture as a comment on the Reddit app.

  • Click on the Add a Comment box at the bottom of the post.
  • Just as on the website, you will see an image icon located at the bottom panel of the comment section. 
  • Click on the Image icon.
  • Choose an image you wish to share from your camera roll. This should have the 240px specifications mentioned above. 
  • You can delete and replace an image at any time before posting it.
  • Add some text if you want or just hit Reply to send the image.

This is how you can post a picture in Reddit comments. We hope that this guide was helpful to you. 

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