How to Fix Reddit Comments Not Showing Up (September 2024)

Reddit is one of the most popular news aggregation, content rating and discussion platforms right now.

Reddit has millions of daily active users who participate in different conversations, share content, and discover new information.

When someone posts anything on Reddit, users across the world engage with that posts by commenting, upvoting and downvoting the post.

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Unfortunately, a lot of Reddit users are currently having problems seeing comments. Since Reddit is a kind of forum, comments play an integral parts on it.

A lot of Reddit users took to social media complaining that comments are not showing up on Reddit preventing them to participate in the conversation.

If you are also getting the ‘Reddit comments not showing up’ problem then don’t worry, we have a guide explaining its multiple solutions.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

What Causes The “Reddit Comments Not Showing Up”?

There are plenty of reasons that cause the Reddit comments not showing up problem. To make your work easier, we have mentioned all possible reasons here:

  • Moderation or Removal — Sometimes comment does not appear or shown up because the comment is either removed by the moderator or violates the term and conditions of Reddit.
  • Delayed Processing — It is possible that you are experiencing the “Comments Not Showing Up on Reddit” Problem because there is a delay in the processing of comments on the Reddit server. In that case, you need to wait until the process is completed.
  • Comment Settings — Reddit allows its users to customize the comment settings. Sometimes users accidentally set the wrong settings and comments stop showing up on the screen.

How to Fix the “Comments Not Showing Up” Problem on Reddit

If you are experiencing the “Reddit comments not showing up” problem, here are a few methods that you can apply to fix this problem.

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Method 1: Refresh the Page

Sometimes, you could encounter the “Reddit comments not showing up” problem because of temporary glitches and connection issues.

In that case, you can fix this problem by refreshing the Reddit web page and restarting your web browser.

Method 2: Check the Comment Sorting

Reddit gives several options to sort comments such as “best,” “top,” “new,” or “controversial.” It is possible that you are experiencing the “Comments Not Showing Up” problem on Reddit because you have selected the wrong sorting option.

So, make sure you have selected the correct sorting option while finding a specific comment on Reddit.

Method 3: Expand comment threads

In some cases, comments are collapsed or hidden to improve the readability of a thread. To read the complete comments or explore all comments on your desired topic or post, you need to expand the comment threads.

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To do so, look for a small “[-]” or “[+]” next to comments and click on the “[+]” symbol to expand the comment thread to see more comments.

Method 4: Clear Cache and Cookies

Browser store the Cache and Cookies to give a better user experience when the user trying to access the same web page.

But sometimes outdated and corrupted cache files start interfering with browser programs and cause several problems.

Clearing the cache and cookies will fix all of these problems. So, you can try clearing your browsing data and then check if the comments show up.

Method 5: Contact Reddit Support

If you have tried all of the above mentioned methods but continue to get the “Comments Not Showing Up” Problem then the last thing you can do is contact Reddit support and request them to help you resolve this problem.

That’s all, you need to know about how to fix the “Comments Not Showing Up” problem on Reddit.

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